TASK: Refreshed Brand Identity
Jennet Chow, JellyPop’s founder, wanted to refresh the brand identity in order to position the brand as an icon. We replaced the generic imagery, like the palm trees and outlined hearts of the original with elements that tied into the brand story and intended audience.
The design direction focuses on Jellypop’s emphasis on creating fun and playful, yet comfortable and sustainable footwear. These attributes translate into a fluid and illustrative yet still sophisticated identity. The original cursive typeface, with high contrast between thicks and thins, transformed into one that has less contrast to embody the comfortable feeling of Jellypop’s shoes.
The World at Your Feet Campaign
With Jellypop, the world becomes more accessible and available with each purchase of their shoes. This statement is backed by their initiative to donate a pair of shoes whenever one is purchased. Jellypop goes a step further by implementing sustainable production processes in an effort to create a responsible future.